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Dinnae Fash! Droughtlander is Almost Over.

Dinnae Fash! Droughtlander is Almost Over.

Celebrate by casting on an Outlander inspired knit in gorgeous Fibre Co. yarn for the Season 5 premier this weekend.


Sassenach’s Shawl by Ambah O’Brien

4 skeins of The Fibre Co. Tundra

While still rustic and cosy, Sassenach’s Shawl gives a little extra flair, making this quick knit fun to make and a delight to wear. Designed with Faroese shaping in mind; Sassenach’s Shawl can be worn traditionally over the shoulders and tied at the back or wear it kerchief style with the centre of the shawl in front and ends taken behind the neck to the front and left to dangle or loosely tied.


Stonethistle by Alicia Plummer

2 skeins of The Fibre Co. Acadia

Hauntingly tall granite stones rise from the ground of the highlands, flat grey and flecked with white. The ancient ruins hide secrets, stories played out through time and woven into the very grass and trees that surround them. Mystery, love, and choices tell the tale, hand lettered in old journals on the dusty bookshelf at the Inn down the road.


The Time Traveler’s Cowl by Tanis Gray

4 skeins of The Fibre Co. Lore

Inspired by the palette and plants found in the Scottish Highlands, this cowl is tall enough to scrunch down your neck while keeping out the chill.

Garter bands flank both edges and charts are provided in both full color and black and white. Featuring hourglass, heart, ring, and Scotland’s national emblem - the purple thistle motifs, this cowl knits up quickly and beautifully, making it a perfect knit for your next time travel TV marathon.


The Scotlander by Casapinka

5 to 9 skeins of The Fibre Co. Lore

The Scotlander is a cardigan that can be worn while riding horses through the dark forest or while tending to one’s herb garden. If you are new to cables, this is a good sweater for you. There are only four cables in the body of the sweater and they mirror each other; meant to represent two people joined through space and time. If wearing this cardigan makes you feel like you’ve woken up in another place or era, that’s not unexpected.

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