Summer Knitting Series Week 2: Lace Shawls
"Built in ventilation for steamy days"
Lace is one of the most impressive styles of knitting, but it can be hard to budget the time for lace projects for deadlines like Christmas and birthdays so use the freedom of the summer to get a lace project going! The variety of lace shawls is endless, and many better knitters have spent more time rhapsodising about shawls. Primarily we are going to focus on lace shawls as defined by construction type and shaping. Pi shawls are a round shawl and a wonderful way to show off your skill in construction, most of these shawls also come in half pi variety as well that is knit back and forth in rows. Triangular and rectangular shawls of every size and variety possible dominate the shawl world after pi and half-pi varieties, there are benefits and drawbacks to any shawl type. Lace knitting in the summer is wonderful because the fine yarns and nature of the pattern combine to create a garment which ends up being large while not draping all over your lap as you knit. Put down the socks and pick up the shawl with these great lace suggestions.
Geometric and ethereal, Lucca is a wonderful pi shawl with the traditional construction knit in the round with an applied edging. Designed for the Brooklyn Tweed yarn Vale, 100% Rambouillet lace weight/worsted, available in a broad palette, Lucca will blend and dissolve in lighter shades and stand out with stark lines in a dark colour. Choose the look that will best suit your wardrobe and cast on!
Blooming Shawl by Sachiko Uemera
Long the queen of shawl shapes, triangular shawls come in so many variations that one's head spins but to truly take advantage simplicity is the key. As an introduction to Japanese lace Blooming Shawl plays with familiar ideas of proportion, symmetry, and balance with an easy to work lace motif to create a shawl that does so much with so little. Yarn choice will play a critical role in this shawls final product so come in to see all the options in person before you decide to cast on.
Designed for the always popular Pins and Lace club ed.2014 the striking use of geometry in this wrap is offset by delicate detailing and beading that enhances the best nature of this shawl. Complex appearing this rectangle will set you apart and will certainly be noticed anywhere you wear it anytime of year. For a lighter gauzier fabric try Meadow or for a little luxury Road to China Lace both by the Fibre co.
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